‘Tis the testing season’
PREPPING. Sophomore Allyson Bonhaus studies for the AP European History exam with a prep book. The month of May is the testing season where students study and prepare for AP, college preparatory, and final exams. Many students use prep books in addition to resources from their teachers to review for exams. Photo courtesy of Jenna Bao.
May 12, 2017
The idiom that suffering comes before happiness is very true for students at this time. Before having three months of relaxing on the beach, going on sunny vacations, and no homework, students have to take many tests and exams that come with the end of the school year.
The testing season began with the college preparatory test ACT for the juniors who took it during the school day in April.
In addition to the ACT, there was an SAT and/or Subject SAT test date on May 6. Students planning to take college entrance tests have an even fuller plate of tests.
“I think the amount of tests can get excessive. However, Advanced Placement classes, for example, are optional, so I guess it was my choice and is reasonable,” said Nandita Kulkarni, 10.
In the first two weeks of May, there are AP Exams with each day assigned an exam of a specific AP course.
Classes are still going on with the regular bell schedule (with no bells ringing throughout the two weeks for testing students), but students can go home on the days they have an AP exam right after the exam is over.
“To prepare for my AP Computer Science exam, I have been using prep books, practice tests, and resources my teachers are providing,” Kulkarni said.
The schedule for finals is currently planned to have bell 1 and 2 exams on Mon. May 22. Then the bell 3 exam will be on Tuesday alone, also offered at a later time being considerate to those who were at graduation the night before.
Bell 4 and 5 exams are planned to be on Wednesday, and finally, bell 6 and 7 exams would be on Thursday, the last day of school.
“I personally don’t like the schedule for the final exams because my first two bells are my hardest bells, which are Algebra 2 and Chemistry,” Kulkarni said.
After these tough weeks of struggling through studying for and taking exams, students will be able to take an even deeper breath of exhausting satisfaction of being done with school and stepping into the beginning of summer break.