Relay for life rallies
Sydney Weiss, Social Media Director
May 22, 2017
SUCCESS. As always, Relay for Life 2017 was a huge success. With smiling faces, donations made, and sore feet, this year was another one for the books. Little sleep was had, but a fun time was had by all.
RALLY. Relay for Life is an event that takes place in the spring. The event was created in the hopes of raising money for the American Cancer Society. It is an overnight event that took place at SHS.
FUN AND GAMES. Generally, the event starts in the early evening and goes until early morning. Although there are various games and activities throughout the night, someone from every team is supposed to be walking the track throughout the entire event. Team events and contests ensue.
TEAMMATES. Each team is comprised of around ten people. Although the team is allowed to raise money together, there is a minimum amount required for each teammate to earn. Teams set up their tarps, blankets, and food around the border of the field.
NONSTOP. Once the walking begins, the hope is that it does not stop until morning. Participants can expect aching legs by the end of the event. It never gets boring with fun music, games, and lots of people to talk to.
SUCCESS. As always, Relay for Life 2017 was a huge success. With smiling faces, donations made, and sore feet, this year was another one for the books. Little sleep was had, but a fun time was had by all.
RALLY. Relay for Life is an event that takes place in the spring. The event was created in the hopes of raising money for the American Cancer Society. It is an overnight event that took place at SHS.