To prepare or not to prepare

Overgrad aims to help students in all grades at SHS prepare for college

College is a big step for high school students, so counselors want to ensure that students are as well-prepared for the admissions process as possible.

In the past, students have used Naviance to manage their colleges, test scores, resume, and anything else that would prove helpful when it comes to college admissions. However, counselors have found that the site was not very easy-to-use.

As a result, they have chosen to switch to a new program this school year: Overgrad.

Overgrad is similar to Naviance, but counselors have found it to be user friendly and more helpful. They have already explained the site to the seniors in meetings on August 16.

“Overgrad does much of the same things as Naviance does, but it is easier to follow and use. It will be important to use when applying to colleges.

“The more [students] put into it, the more the site will help them,” said Mrs. Chelsea Rose, counselor for students with last names beginning with letters “M” through “P.”