Cross country runs into Mason Invitational

Abigail Lefton, Sports Chief

  • READY? Girls Cross-Country kicks off at the starting line of the race. Each team has a little sliver of the starting line where they wait for the starting gun to signal the start of the race. All photos courtesy of MCT photos.

  • WAVE. Students Mallory Comerford [left] and Kyra Fales [right] come to support the team. Comerford is not afraid to show her Sycamore pride at the Mason Invitational meet.

  • Boys Cross-Country approaches the hay barrel obstacle at the Mason Invitational. This meet had multiple challenges including a steep hill, hay barrels, and more.

  • RUN! The Girls Cross-Country has a number of freshman for the 2017-2018 season. With this brings lots of new athletes and fast runners.

  • HYDRATE! after a hard race, the players will sit down or collapse onto a bench where they will sip on cool water and untie their shoes. The coaches encourages their runners to take ice baths after runs to cool swelling of the joints and muscles.

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