TPA prepares for future


Amy Bass

WORKING WITH KIDS CAN BE LOTS OF FUN. Allison Ross loves to work with her second grade students at Montgomery Elementary. She goes three days a week and works with them for two hours. “I love working with kids,” Ross said.

Over the past decade, schools have started to try to help students get a head start with their future careers. One opportunity at SHS is the Teaching Professions Program (TPA).

The TPA class is through Great Oaks and helps expose students to the field of teaching. Students spend time in classrooms, learn what it is like to be a teacher, and have a leadership position.

“You get to experience ‘real world’ jobs and experience what it is like working and being around children. It also helps with leadership skills,” said Allison Ross, 12.

The course is two years long, and students can get college credit in the state of Ohio if they are wanting to get a degree in elementary education. But it is possible to finish the course in just one year.

“You just show up, do your work, and have fun!” Ross said.

The first year, taken during junior year, is a class all about the classroom, teaching, how schools are run/where they get their funding, and lots more. It is only one bell and is just like an actual class.

The second year, taken during senior year, is where the act of teaching begins. Students go to different schools and work with whichever grade and teacher they choose as long as they have permission from the teacher.

“I chose Montgomery Elementary because it was my elementary school, and I get to see my old teachers again and learn from them,” Ross said.

This is an opportunity for students who want to become teachers in the future.

For more information about TPA, click here.