Q&A with Alexis Corcoran, 12, on being a Senior cheerleader
December 20, 2013

Q: Why did you decide to become a cheerleader?
A: At the last football game everyone was really excited and I got really into the cheers I decided to go for cheerleading since I did not have anything to do in the winter plus I wanted to try something new. I have gotten a few weird reactions from people I know; someone asked me if I joined to write a newspaper article about it. Other people have said things like, “I thought you hated cheerleaders,” or “Is this a joke?”
Q: Have you always wanted to be a cheerleader?
A: I had never really thought about it before. I typically run cross country in the fall and do improvisation in the winter so I have never had the chance to do anything else.
Q: Was it hard to learn all of the cheers?
A: I would say yes because there is only one other girl who had not cheered before this season so all of the other girls already new all of the cheers and dances so I had to learn very quickly. It has been difficult, but I have enjoyed it a lot.
Q: How has the season been going?
A: I feel like the team has been really welcoming to me, and because there is only one other senior, it has been nice to get to know Sam Smith better. Unfortunately, the basketball team has not had a great record, but it is still enjoyable to cheer and to be so close to the court.