Montgomery Area relays for life
Jessica Lu, Staff Writer
May 2, 2018
INKED. For the past few years, Relay For Life (RFL) had always made a henna stand. Participants can pay five dollars to get any design of their choice. This year, Akhila Durisala, the head of Henna Club at SHS, volunteered her time at the event.
I GOT BANGS. Any person could also donate their hair during the event. RFL brought in volunteers from Great Clips to do the cutting. While most girls simply cut off a good length of hair, sophomore Lydia Masset shaved her head.
SMASHING CAKES. Teams could also sign up to do games such as the cupcake eating contest. In this event, students cheered and watched as participants devoured the cupcakes as fast as they could. Members from the Build The Fun Committee had to each bake two dozen cupcakes in order to prepare for this contest.
LUMINARIA. In the ceremonial hour of silence, the lights of the stadium are turned off with only the Luminaria candles providing a source of light. Junior Grace Creek bought this candle in memory of her grandfather who passed away from cancer. This year, RFL introduced a new glow stick feature, where students would light up their glow sticks to symbolize their unity against cancer.
JAILED. Junior Mark Decile is handcuffed and put into “jail.” At RFL, friends can pay a dollar to put each other in the mock jail cell. In order to get out of jail, other friends have to pay a dollar to bail them out.