It is the act of a gentleman, an action performed by the princes of Disney. It is a sign of respect and adoration. It is a gentle kiss on the hand.
For Hunter Yelton, however, it was a crime. The six-year-old boy has been accused of “sexual harassment” for kissing a girl on the hand and it will remain on his permanent record.
“Society these days is really getting their panties in a bunch. The charges should be dropped,” said Peter McCutchen, 9.
Since the girl was his “girlfriend,” she did not mind this gesture. Apparently, it was a bigger deal to the administration than it was to her.
“In order for it to be sexual harassment, she has to not want him to kiss her. It’s not sexual harassment if she doesn’t mind,” McCutchen said.
He has been suspended for roughhousing and kissing the same girl on the cheek prior to this incident. He feels that he has done something wrong, even though he was being an adorable six-year-old.
Now Yelton is asking his mom what sexual harassment is. It is not a question for kindergartners to ask, nor is it something that should be held against him.
When students walk down the halls holding hands, is that sexual harassment? When a boyfriend affectionately kisses his girlfriend on the cheek, could that be sexual harassment? I see no difference.
“They’re minors; we’re minors. We all have the same rights. If people in high school want to hold hands in the hallway, or kindergartners want to kiss, there is no difference,” said McCutchen.