Girls volleyball bonds on court

Gabby Khodadad, PR Team

  • DIVING SAVE. Sycamore JV girls volleyball played against Wyoming earlier this month and lost a close one. Sophomore Kelli Trumpy contributed greatly to the game with her many diving saves and blocks. “[The team does not] give up on each other, and give[s] each other a lot of energy, ” Trumpy said.

  • SPIKE. Sycamore JV girls volleyball star, right side hitter and middle blocker, sophomore Anna Dyer, jumps to hit the ball over the net. Even though the team is 4-8 they are always showing lots of effort. “I think that in the upcoming games we will do a lot better because our communication and confidence on the court has been improving. I can’t wait to see how the rest of the season goes,” Dyer said.

  • BUMP, SET, SPIKE. Sycamore’s one and only Kennedy Archer, junior, bumps the ball to help her teammates set the ball and send over the net with a smile on her face. This season is Archer’s second season playing volleyball and she is very happy with where she and the team has gotten. “What is unique is that even though we have been playing for a short amount of time we have really connected well on and off the court,” Archer said.

  • VOLLEY. Sycamore’s newest member of the volleyball team, junior Brooke Clark, just transferred this year from Ursuline and is helping out the team as a defensive specialist. “As a junior…I have been fortunate enough to be apart of the volleyball program for the 2018-2019 season. As an upperclassman, being able to make connections with all the grade levels has been the best part. Although I’m coming from a different school last year, the team has been very accepting of me and welcoming with open arms since my first day back. I think that as at team we strive for resilience and encouragement in our games and practices,” Clark said.

  • ONE FOR ALL, ALL FOR ONE. The Sycamore JV volleyball team is shown in a pre-game huddle before they go to host Wyoming. The girls may not have been as victorious as they would like so far but they do have something special- the art of team bonding. Sophomore Tahlia Fishback, a key outside and middle hitter exclaimed, “Being on the volleyball team means everything [to me]. To be on the team is a privilege and honor. I love the sport. It is fun playing with the players on the team and we always lift each other up.”

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