SHS celebrates homecoming court

McDaniel’s Photography

TRUE ROYALTY. Sophomore Homecoming Prince and Princess Niyati Kanchan and Aryan Vidya pose for a photo on the balcony at the Homecoming Dance. “My friends were super supportive and seemed like they wanted [me to win] more than I did!” Kanchan said.

One of the most traditional aspects of any homecoming dance is the Homecoming Court. On Oct. 13, SHS held a dance; therefore, Homecoming royalty was named for each grade level.

The Homecoming Court nominations had three levels of voting. After the first round, the names of the nominees were painted on banners and placed in the Commons.

The second round of voting left more room for fun. During the pep rally on Friday, the second round nominees were tasked with going into the crowds of students to find certain items that were assigned to them. The nominees would collect items handed to them by other students and place them in a box.

After the final round of voting, the final names of the winners for each grade were announced at the Homecoming Game. The nominees were all called out onto the field, and the winners were crowned in front of the cheering crowd.

For Senior Homecoming Court, Libby Van Brink and Colin Walker were chosen. For Junior Homecoming Court, Audrey Simons and Tanner Wahlquist were selected.

For Sophomore Homecoming Court, Niyati Kanchan and Aryan Vidya were chosen. For Freshman Homecoming Court, Jocelyn Tanner and Carson Green were selected.

“My friends’ screams were the first thing I heard before I could even register that I won. I felt shocked for sure, but overall it was a fun experience,” said Niyati Kanchan, 10, Homecoming Princess.

At the dance, the king, queen, princesses, and princes walked across the stage adorned in sashes and crowns while the audience cheered.

“I was surprised when Carson and I won. I felt very happy when we were announced…I love the tradition of Homecoming Court” says Jocelyn Tanner, 9, Homecoming Princess.

Homecoming Court was and still is a big part of the high school Homecoming experience.