Seniors dress up, enjoy tradition
Charlotte Weiss, Business Staff
October 28, 2018
TRICK OR TREAT. On Fri., Oct. 26, the seniors of SHS participated in Senior Halloween during the school day. The seniors were invited to dress up for the school day as a group or alone. From Whac-A-Mole to Scott’s Tots from “The Office,” SHS students took advantage of this day and made very creative costumes. While some had difficulty choosing their costumes, others had theirs planned from the first day of senior year, or even high school. “My friends and I are addicted to the internet, so going as vines was an easy choice. We knew a lot of people might not know what we are, but we still had so much fun with it,” said Samantha Fernandez, 12. Even though most students decided to go with a group of friends, some choose individual costumes, such as Bob Ross, the famous painter. Other SHS students enjoyed seeing the amusing costumes while walking to class, and the seniors also had fun displaying them. “It’s so funny and always a great bonding time that brings the whole school together,” said Peyton Gilhart, 12.