Students shave heads for awareness, hair donation

McDaniel’s Photography

On Feb. 8, six students volunteered to have their hair cut or heads shaved during lunch at Fashion for the Cure’s hair donation event. The event supports the Dragonfly Foundation, a non-profit that helps families dealing with pediatric cancer. “I decided to shave my head because I have had friends and family suffer from cancer, and I want to help people like them in any way I can. The Dragonfly Foundation does wonderful work and is passionate about doing good in the world. After shaving my head, I felt empowered. Anyone can make a difference, no matter how small. By raising awareness and donations, I felt I had made a difference,” said Shoshi Stern, 10.

Allison McElroy and Alex Bullock

On Friday, Feb. 8, Fashion for the Cure held their annual hair donation event during lunch.

At A Lunch, sophomores Sophia Odaka and Marilene Van den Berg got their hair cut. During B lunch, seniors Peyton Gilhart, Hannah Kirkham, and Colin Walker and sophomore Shoshi Stern got their heads shaved.

The qualifying hair will be donated to help make wigs for cancer patients. The event also helps to raise awareness for cancer patients who lose their hair due to treatment.

This event is leading up to Fashion for the Cure’s fashion show, which is on Feb. 15.  The show raises money for the Dragonfly Foundation, a local non-profit dedicated to supporting families affected by pediatric cancer.

Fashion for the Cure has already raised over $30,000 this year. Tickets for the show can be bought at lunch or online here through Feb 15.

“I decided to donate my hair during the last Fashion for the Cure hair cutting event [last year]. I was so inspired by all of the people that wanted to cut their hair for such a good cause.

“I thought to myself, ‘well, since I have such long hair, maybe I should cut it and make someone really happy.’

I was really excited as my hair was getting cut, but a little nervous because I was doing it in front of the school…after my hair was cut I was so happy that I did a good thing for someone.

“This hair cutting experience is so memorable and I hope I put a smile onto someone’s face,” Odaka said,who cut her hair this year for Fashion for the Cure.

Odaka also designed and sewed two dresses for this year’s fashion show.

One important part of the event was raising awareness and supporting those going through cancer.

“I cannot imagine what it is like to go through cancer. I can’t fathom the pain and fear that cancer brings. Anything that I can do to take away even the smallest bit of pain I will do. The last thing these warriors should have to do is question if they still remain beautiful.

“I shaved my head to share my hair with them. I pray that they will know that they are still beautiful and that their fight is worth it. I shaved my head because not my opinion nor anybody else’s decides if I am beautiful. I’m beautiful because I’m a human that was wonderfully made,” Gilhart said, who had her head shaved during the hair donation event.