Chem club makes soap
Hannah Lee, Copy Editor
March 14, 2019
PRECISE. The Chemistry Club had a fun meeting making soap from scratch with chemistry. Members were given a sheet of paper with instructions to follow to make the the soap mixture. Elements’ masses were measured out to precise measurements of grams on a scale to ensure the perfect concoction.
SAFETY FIRST. Although the process of soap making did not involve eruptions the members wore lab goggles for a safe procedure. Extra virgin olive oil and distilled water were measured out to grams with a mass balance. The club took place in Advanced Placement Chemistry teacher Mr. Michael Geyer’s room.
ACIDS AND BASES. A part of the procedure included dissolving Hydrogen Peroxide pebbles in the distilled water by stirring it in little by little. Some students did this procedure putting the beaker in a sink filled with cold water because the Hydrogen Peroxide would heat up the beaker.
COMBINE. The extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, and the dissolved Hydrogen peroxide were all poured into one beaker to be mixed together. The lab took about one and a half hours to prepare, do, and clean up. Members had to RSVP to attend the meeting with secretary Deniz Gorur.
MIX AND BLEND. The mixture was blended together with a mixer until the impossible of mixing water and oil was accomplished. Two batches were made by the club by splitting up into two groups.
COLOR ME PRETTY. Food coloring was used to make the soaps whatever color members wanted. Green, blue, red, and yellow were combined to create an assortment of colorful soaps. They were mixed in to separate cups with one for each person.
ALL IN GOOD TIME. After pouring the soap mixtures in molds, some used food coloring to add additional colorful designs. The soaps will take about six weeks to harden and be ready to take home. Chemistry club is hoping to continue having fun experiments such as this one for the remaining meetings of the year.