Every school year there are unique students that love to design pages and get a thrill from getting quotes. These unique individuals sign up to be in the yearbook journalism class.
“I like yearbook because it is a really good way to meet new people, and I like learning about the interesting things going on around the school. It is a lot of fun to see all of the events that we cover and I just love to make pages,” said Stephanie Mather, 9.

The book is composed of photos from throughout the year. It takes an entire school year to create the masterpiece, so as you can infer, an extreme amount of effort goes into it. Every day (180), every sport (72), every club (43), and every student (1,789) are covered in the yearbook.
“I am the sports editor but I love to work on other types of pages too. Also, it keeps me very involved and I always know what is going on,” said Taylor Gardner, 11.
Yearbooks are made with such passion that students must purchase them as soon as possible. The deadline is Mar. 28, no later than that date can you purchase the 71st volume of The Log.
“It is amazing to me that we can make the yearbook in just a couple of months. Being apart of the process makes it so much more special to me,” says Gardner.
It takes the entire school year to compile the yearbook, so it can seem like it takes forever to create, but if you are interested in purchasing one, then do not wait too long before ordering it.