Chinese Club

As you enter into Room 1702, you are met with over 50 students. While it is overwhelming at first, you quickly find yourself chatting with students you just met 15 minutes ago. Dumplings and noodles fill your mouth, and your stomach hurts from laughing too much. Welcome to the Chinese club. As one of the largest clubs at Sycamore High School, Chinese club contains an extremely diverse community that is welcoming to anyone who joins. With activities ranging from a Chinese Fashion Show to watching Chinese Horror movies on Halloween, Chinese club has a something for everyone. 

 When students were asked why they joined Chinese club, they had a variety of responses. Conner Sakemiller, 11, stated, “I joined Chinese club because I take Chinese [class] and the teacher loves me.” Owen Courtney, 12, treasurer of Chinese club, joined because he “used to live in China for three and a half years,” and he enjoys “ being able to learn [about and immerse ourselves] in Chinese culture.” Mrs. Zhang, Chinese teacher and sponsor of Chinese Club, states that one of the reasons she appreciates the students is because  “they have a lot of talent.”

While you may be thinking that you have to be taking Chinese class to join Chinese club that is not true at all. Ben Cecilio, 11, is involved in the club even though he does not take Chinese class just “because it’s fun.”

Another prominent reason why students join the club is because they love the food. Each meeting, there are diverse options of Chinese food and snacks present. Every meeting, you can try something new that you have never had before. 

One of the students’ favorite activities occurs during Chinese New Year when they have the Dragon Parade. The Dragon Parade is a dance that is meant to bring good fortune to all. Chinese Dragons represent power, strength, and good luck—traits to starting the New Year strong. If you saw students marching around with a dragon during lunch between January or February, this is what it was. 

Now that you have finished reading this article, you now know how great Chinese club is and why you should join. The only thing left for you to do now is join the Google classroom (code: PZVEQYQ) and start coming to the meetings every other Friday. See you there!