As recommendation day passed in the mixture of all of the crazy schedules and calamity days, the school has not really taken a beat to stop and focus on what classes are good fits for certain students.
“I joined journalism because of the opportunities the class offers. Leadership, teamwork, and communication skills are just a few of the things you learn. There is no class like it at SHS,” said Michael Saxon, 12, executive editor.
Of course, each peer needs his or her four core classes while keeping in mind that other credits are also needed, but what about electives? If you like to write and want to be a part of something great, Convergence Journalism is the class for you. Not only will it occupy one bell year round, but also, the staff works together in and out of class to create our school news magazine publication, The Leaf.
Unlike any other class, Convergence does not sit around watching Power Points and taking tests, students learn while using hands-on real life experiences to expand their knowledge on new and exciting things.
“I did not think that I really wanted to go into anything journalism related, but now I am a Senior and after only two years of being on staff, I am considering going to the Scripps School of Journalism at Ohio University,” said Sarah Birckhead, 12, staff writer.
Being in Convergence, students not only get to write about topics of their choice, but also the team operates the print magazine, The Leaf, the online paper, The Leaflet, the website, shsleaf.com, and they also offer broadcast opportunities.
“My biggest mistake in high school is waiting until junior year to join the class. I wish I would have started it freshman year,” said Birckhead.
There are so many perks of taking the class including giving each member an online profile where they can collect their work creating an online portfolio. This is really great for college because if you are applying and recruiters look a student up on Google, their articles will pop up.
No one comes into the class knowing how to use the software or being a great writer. With the help of the advisor, Mrs. Cheralyn Jardine, and upper classmen, anyone can conquer the components needed to pass the class.