sNOw more snow days

Elijah Zawatsky

Snow and ice
Snow and ice have piled up heavily on the ground after all of the recent precipitation. Daily highs are only able to barely melt the slush. The run off slides under the sheets of ice on the roof, causing them to come crashing down, and making many exits dangerous. Photo courtesy of Eli Zawatsky.

Seven weeks have passed since winter break ended, and the week of Feb 10 is the first full school week. I loved the large number of snow days for the first week or two; I would wake up, think “I wish I was asleep right now,” look at the T.V. for a cancellation, and go straight back to sleep.

But now they’re just annoying. Every one of my classes is at least a few days behind schedule, the bitter cold is unrelenting, and sometimes it can be stressful having no degree of consistency in your routine.

With the new addition of Blizzard Bags, snow days mean more work than a regular school day for many students. They’ve become an inconvenience.

More snow days may be on the way. Some school districts such as Milford have created a cutoff temperature at which school will automatically be cancelled. Milford’s is -18 degrees.

I cannot complain, however. After all, no one is to blame for the weather, and I do like to sleep in.

But at some point you have to ask yourself whether a few extra days off during the school year is worth sacrificing summer vacation. And, with only one Blizzard Bag day left and the extra four snow days having not yet been passed by the state, that possibility cannot be ignored.

So, to whoever is wearing their pajamas inside out every day and flushing buckets of ice down the toilet, please stop it. The novelty has worn off.