With 12 seniors departing and only seven dancers remaining, the Flyerettes have to recruit multiple new teammates. “It will be tricky but we have to recruit not only from the Junior High but here at SHS,” said Ashley McNamara, Flyerettes coach. The ways the team members are trying to add on members include:
- Video with a short dance, information on the team and contact information
- Flyers
- Team members talking to eighth graders and friends that would interested
- Going to Symmes Elementary School Carnival
“It is different from previous years because we had a decent amount of girls and only needing a few more team members but now we need many more,” said Leah Brod, 11. Tryouts for the team are in late April, early May. That is how long the girls have to recruit eighth graders and current SHS students. Tryouts are the school year before due to conditioning and summer activites. With 12 talents leaving, the three current juniors will:
- Move to the leadership role
- Be in the front
- Communicate with the team
- Be an example
- Choose what to wear to school on game days
Now the current freshmen and sophomore will be leaders where other teams’ freshmen and sophomores would have to get used to being on Varsity or still on JV. “Having those girls leave gives us a clean slate,” said Calista Robbins, 10. “It will either make or break us.”