Delicious cookies are back on sale for the season. On Friday, Feb. 7, The Girl Scouts of USA launched cookie season in Grand Central Terminal in New York to people their first taste of this year’s Girl Scout Cookies.
“The only thing I look forward to in the winter time is Girl Scout Cookies going back on sale, they complete me,” said Grace Mather, 9.
The Girl Scouts is the biggest girl run business in the world. Selling Girl Scout Cookies helps girls develop valuable life skills. They learn to handle money, keep records, and track orders.
“When I was little I was a Girl Scout. Selling cookies really helped me because I learned to build confidence going from door to door, and managing money was also a big part of it,” said Stephanie Mather, 9.
Most popular cookies:
- Thin Mints: 25 percent of sales
- Samoas/ Caramel deLites: 19 percent of sales
- Peanut Butter Patties/ Tagalongs: 13 percent of sales
- Do-si-dos/ Peanut Butter Sandwich: 11 percent of sales
- Shortbread/Trefoils: nine percent of sales
- Other (Savannah Smiles, Thanks-A-Lot, Thank U Berry Munch): 23 percent of sales
“You definitely don’t have to be a girl to like Girl Scout cookies. Personally my favorite cookies are Thin Mints because I love the way the chocolate feels in my mouth paired with the crunchy mint,” said Kevin Berghoff, 9.
To buy cookies or for more information click here.