INTJ, ESTP, ESFP…. What does it all mean? These are “personality types,” each letter stands for a word. By answering several questions honestly, the system calculates a personality type according to the answers which were selected.
It tells you your strengths, weaknesses, likes and dislikes. Some people believe these to be highly accurate or never correct. Either way, though, many choose to take the test.
“I don’t believe that personality tests are ever really that accurate, but I take them because they are fun and sometimes my “type” gets some characteristics correct,” said Emma Steward, 10.
Lately, during ACE bells, a personality test was given to help with a person’s learning skills and strengths, including a mathematical/logical strength or musical strength.
“I feel like they are relatively accurate and it’s interesting to see what did change,” said Margaret Pustinger, 10.
Personality tests are supposed to be made up of researched psychological factors to find a person’s general reactions and likes and dislikes of things and surroundings.
“Some personality tests are pretty accurate and I have no aversion to taking them,” said Emma Stephenson, 10.
The popularity of these tests have resulted in numerous facts, lists, pictures, and jokes to be found on the internet to pin, post, or tweet about these personality types. One popular test can be found here: