Spring sports are forming their teams and athletes are preparing for the coming season.
The softball teams have just come together and are staring to practice. There are two teams, Varsity and JV. With a new coach the work outs and practices have changed a little from the previous season.
The schedule consists of morning weight lifting on Tuesday and Thursday from 5:55 a.m to 6:50 a.m. Monday through Friday the teams work out from 2:45 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. This takes a lot of dedication from the players and coaches.
“I do not like morning practice but I know it helps the team get better so I am fine with it,” said Hannah Young, 9.
The teams split the practice in half by having the JV team start with hitting and the varsity in the main gym, then half way through practice they switch. This gives both teams equal time to improve.
“All sports take time and dedication but it’s all worth it when the bonds of a team start to grow and bring everyone together,” said Liz Izworski, 9.
Even thought the season has just started the players are excited to get ready for games, which is what practice is all about.