Student Council has created a new event called “Play for Jose.” This fundraiser benefits the Jose Cerda Aquatic Foundation (JCAF).
“The programs supported by JCAF are inspired by José’s strong-desire for self-improvement and that of fellow athletes, great camaraderie and his practice of giving selflessly to others. José Cerdá lived life to its fullest, letting everyone know how happy he truly was by the huge grin he always had on his face,” said Mrs. Louisa Cerda, founder of JCAF.
Play for Jose is on April 11 at 7:30 p.m. Two volunteers from the majority of clubs participate in various activities such as relay races, strategic games, and eating contests. The volunteers will gradually be eliminated from event.
“I am very excited to participate because I think it will be a fun way to raise money for a great cause. I never knew Jose but it will be a great way to bring the school together to remember his wonderful life and legacy that will always be a part of Sycamore,” said Gwen Constand, 10, participant.