Becoming an educator is not a want, but instead, a need. The need to help students flourish into majestic butterflies who can be independent and leave with more knowledge acquired than anyone ever thought was possible.
“I have always wanted to become a teacher, and now I finally have the chance to begin my future career,” said Esther Kaplan, 11.
Being well known for having a wide range of classes, students can learn about a variety of topics during the course of their day. One of the newest editions to the long list of classes offered is called Theory of Teaching and Learning, a satellite program sponsored by Great Oaks which is similar to Marketing.
“The course is a two year program for students interested in being educators,” said Mrs. Jody Googins, Theory of Teaching and Learning teacher.
The first year covers foundations of education including topics such as: classroom environment, setting goals, and the rewards of teaching.
The class goes in depth in the focuses of the teaching profession, learning styles, educational psychology, history of education, and how to become a teacher.
“Both courses follow the Ohio Department Standards (ODE) and Ohio colleges award three credit hours for passage of both years of the program,” said Googins.
After making it through junior year, students get the chance to take the class once more as a senior but the class takes up two bells each day. This course consists of field experience to actually let the students put what they have learned to use. Also, seniors start and finish the composition of college level folio.
Students participate in 80-120 hours of fieldwork throughout this year in classrooms plus the praxis domains, which were used to evaluate teachers through a portfolio.
Thus, this new collaborative course is assisting to take shape of anticipated teachers and other leaders. The instructor is eager for the course to grow over the next few years.