Dancing at senior night

Abbey Baker

  • Samantha Weiss, 12 waits for the routine to start. She looks down as the music begins. By having everyone start in the same position it will help the timing of the routine. All photos courtesy of McDaniels Photography.

  • Jennifer Hill, 12 and Lauren Altemuehle, 12 stands in position waiting for their turn. The girls did steps in groups, each group going on different counts. This makes the routine more difficult.

  • Samantha Weiss, 12 during the hip hop part of the routine. The seniors did a mixture of hip hop and jazz. By doing more than one style of dance it makes the routine more interesting to watch.

  • Megan Crone, 12 during the Senior Night performance. Crone has been on the team all four years of high school. She will be graduating this year which means someone will have to fill her spot. Photo courtesy of McDaniel’s Photography

  • Gaby Godinez, 12 crouches down as she waits for the next part of the dance. By having people go down when others are doing their section it gives the group in motion the spotlight.

  • Rachel Klein, 12 during her senior night performance. The seniors danced their own dance with counts of hip hop and jazz. The underclassman will have big shoes to fill next year as they lose twelve members. Photo courtesy of McDaniel’s Photography

  • Hannah Young, 9 and Lindsay Altemuehle, 9 on Senior Night. The seniors danced their own dance to show off wha they have learned while being on the team. The underclassman decorated the seniors’ lockers that day.

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