Marching Band hits a high note
October 17, 2013

The marching band, a group of skilled musicians, work very hard to put on a good show.
“The marching band practices at least four days a week and goes to competitions Saturdays for their entire season”, said Morgan Comeford, 9.
The band’s most recent competition was held in Toledo, Ohio on Sept.28. They made it to the finals and came in tenth place overall.
“Many people underestimate the marching band and don’t know how much work goes into putting on a performance, it takes up just as much time and effort as playing a sport ,” said Comeford.
The marching band’s latest performance is called Film Le Noir. The show features several pieces from old crime movies. The music has a very eerie and dark feeling.
New members of the band are pleased with their experience. “It takes a lot of work but overall it is a lot of fun,” said Priya Malla, 9. The marching band will continue to compete for the rest of fall season.