After Christmas there is often a long line to return items and bad toys from presents. A recent study from Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood has released a study on their worst game of the year.
1. Monopoly Empire: The game is said to be very materialistic because of the amount of branding involved in the game. It is said to be a cheap way to advertise to kids. It costs $29.99.
My Opinion: I feel that this game gets a bad reputation for no reason. I mean it is advertising but that doesn’t make the game any worse. Also the band make it more relatable.
2. Play-Doh Create ABCs App: This game has a bad reputation for being uncreative and non-educational. It allows you to, with an app, create an animal shape with a mold. It costs $1.99.
My Opinion: I feel that this is a terrible app because there is no actual play doh involved, nor any molding of anything real. Also, not very many little kids have a device for the app.
3. The Real Tooth Fairies VIP Upgrade Membership: This, like many other websites like Webkinz, involves you dressing up your character and planning parties. The product cost $59.99.
My Opinion: I feel that he product isn’t terrible in general, but why would you pay so much for a membership to an online site? There are tons of websites that do the same thing.
4. Imaginext Mega Apatosaurus: This is a plastic dinosaur that has cannons and armor. It does not require the child to do anything. It costs $40.00.
My Opinion: I feel that this is a really cool product and that even if it isn’t the most creative, there are lots of robots like this so I don’t think it very horrible.
5. Ipotty: This is a toilet meant for kids to want go to the bathroom. It is a small toilet with an area to put an iPad. The cost is $40.00.
My Opinion: I feel that this is a really bad idea. Why would any kid need a IPad in the bathroom? It is setting kids to be addicted to their devices. Also with the steep price why would anyone buy that.
In conclusion, there were some toys that were rated poorly that may have been terrible, but others that got a bad rep for no reason.