After coming from another snow day the excitement is starting to die down especially for school officials who have to find a way to make up the days.
Since Dec. 18 we have only had a total of five and a half days of school. Also, only a mere total of three full days since then. Another interesting fact is that we haven’t had a full week of school since Thanksgiving Break.
“I really like snow days but not after long weekends I feel it isn’t needed,” said Ally Miller,9.
Ohio officially gives a total of five calamity days . Other surrounding states have a different view point. Kentucky has to have a total of 177 days in a school year for a student, a similar situation is taking place in Indiana.
“I don’t have time to come to school in summer because of volley ball,” said, Lauren Hughes, 9.
Mason Schools in Cincinnati, Ohio have come up with the plan to have lessons posted online on snow days. The students must finish the material in at least 2 weeks or they will get an incomplete. This plan is yet to be approved by the school blog.
Many students are however okay with making up days in the summer, and won’t to celebrate them in peace.
“ I love snow days and wouldn’t trade them for anything,” said Danielle Prat,9.