London, Paris, Florence, and Rome. Students in the AP European History class traveled to these locations during spring break. It was a ten day adventure they will never forget.
Miz Marilyn Ray, AP European history teacher leads the trip every year. This was her twentieth trip.
“I love taking students on this trip because I love seeing their faces when they discover the world. It’s a lot of work but the reward is definitely worth it,” said Ray.
Students get the opportunity to see the various locations they have studied throughout the year for example, Versailles, the Tower of London, and many pieces of artwork in the Louvre.
“It was an overall amazing experience. It was really neat being able to see the different cultures, architecture and famous monuments in each city,” said Marisa Koster, 10.
This unique chance was open to all students that took the class and 76 students seized the opportunity. This is a record breaking number.
“Traveling with friends and classmates made the trip really fun because it was easy to relate to more people and get to know them more,” said Brianna Dooley, 10.