The Flyerettes dance team had tryouts for the 2014-2015 season last week. The girls got their letters already, to know if they made the team or not.
“I’m very excited to spend my senior year on the Flyerettes,” said Leah Brod, 11.
At the tryouts the girls had to do:
- 16 counts of jazz
- 16 counts of pom
- Turns
- Leaps
- 8 counts of improv
The girls had to show off the different styles of dance along with different types of tricks. At the end of the tryouts the new coach chose who was going to make it.
“I’m so happy that the tryouts are over, I am looking forward to the new season and the new coach,” said Calista Robbins, 10.
The team had 19 dancers this season, but lost 12 due to seniors graduating. For next season they will have 14 dancers.
“This will be my first year on Flyerettes and my first year dancing and I’m really excited to start a new journey with new people,” said Jordan Hoffman, 9.