Growing pains and gains

Driving is one of the privileges and responsibilities of an older teen. After every class every in car and every scare, driving can be fun. It can also be dangerous, as are so many things as one gets older. Photo Courtesy of: Maddie Marsh
Driving is one of the privileges and responsibilities of an older teen. After every class, every in-car and every scare, driving can be fun. It can also be dangerous, as are so many things as one gets older.
Photo Courtesy of Maddie Marsh

Life is full of surprises. Never heard that before, have you? However, it is very true. Some days seem endless. Then you look back and wonder where the time has gone. It is a strange feeling.

It is a strange and uncomfortable thing, this growing up business. You imagine once you reach high school you will be so grown up, so different. You really are not all that prepared when high school finally happens. Does anyone ever feel really grown up and mature?

Sometimes there are moments though. Moments where one can feel very young and grown up all at once. Such as when you drive for the first time. So inexperienced, excited, scared….. old. How could you be driving?

And colleges. People ask you where you want to go. I am sure I do not know. What do you want to do? A scary question. Do I have to know what I want to do?

When you are younger, life seems simple. Your life seems to be a straight path, and you know exactly what you are going to do. But life likes to trick you. What looks like a straight path is really a twisted, bending path with numerous bridges, shortcuts, and crossroads.

There is a change when one reaches high school, however. There is more work, more responsibility. No longer will the teachers gather your work, give it to you, teach you, and make sure you are caught up. You collect your work, you partly teach yourself (with guidance, granted), you get caught up.

It is scary. Some days you want things to be the same. It cannot be. Some days you do not want things to be the same. There are ups. Your first car, your first date, your first paycheck. There are downs, for sure. After reflecting though, I would rather be where I am now. One is older, wiser, and maybe not as carefree.

Thankfully, this is both good and bad. It is important to always focus on the good though. It is all a matter of perspective, this “growing up.” Who knows the next bend in the road? Maybe it is better to just wait and find out. And that is all anyone can do.