The Flyerettes dance team is starting summer practices soon, to get ready for the 2014-2015 season. The team will consist of 14 dancers, seven who are returning from last year.
This summer the girls will be:
- Practicing every Tuesday and Thursday
- Going to Miami University for a dance camp
“I’m excited for summer practices because it gives us time to bond and all become good friends before the school year starts,” said Emily Spry, 11.
The team will be performing at the:
- Winter and fall pep rally
- Boys’ Varsity home games
- Home football games
Last year’s team lost 12 members due to seniors graduating, the returning members will have to step up and help the new dancers
“I think all of us who are returning will be able to help out the new girls over the summer and help them get used to being on the team,” said Spry.