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The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

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Allie Fehr, Staff Writer

Hello, my name is Allie! I am a senior and new to the journalism program this year. I decided to join The Leaf’s staff because not too long ago, after a typical teenage existential crisis, I rekindled my love for writing. The opportunity to write for our school newspaper will allow me to further develop my own voice as a writer and enhance my technical skills. As for my experience, I enjoy writing creative fiction stories, flash fictions, and making attempts at scrawling poetry. Some of my work has been recognized by the Scholastic Art and Writing Awards and the Montgomery Women’s Club. Also, for the past year, I have worked as a reader/editor for Polyphony Lit H.S., a literary magazine. At Sycamore, I’m a member of the track and soccer team, the president of our National Honors Society, and a DECA competitor. In my limited (but highly valued) free time, you’ll probably find me in my room, listening to The Smashing Pumpkins, writing, reading, watching a movie, or watching a television series. I’d like to consider myself a rising cinephile, challenged to watch at least one movie a week at the moment. In fact, I’m learning screenwriting outside of school with the hopes that maybe someday my script will be rolling in theaters. In my carefully planned but everchanging future, I intend to study economics in college with a minor or double major in To Be Determined. At the same time, I plan to continue writing on the side, journalistically, or creatively. My motto is to have your job and have your hobby but keep working on your hobby until it can become your job. Anyways, that’s enough about me. I’m extremely excited to contribute to The Leaf this year!


All content by Allie Fehr
PASS THE REMOTE. When it comes to finding your next favorite movie, you never know until you try. Even movie posters and synopses can not determine whether you will end the movie with your eyes glued to the screen or closed shut after boredom rocked you to sleep.

Looking for a new movie to watch?

You've come to the right place.
Allie Fehr, staff writer
January 15, 2021
CAFETERIA CROWDS. In the SHS lunch room, you’re probably not going to find designated tables for the jocks, goody goodies, and the popular kids like in many teen movies. Instead, the lines are blurred as students have mainly become more accepting of other students’ differences. This acceptance of others is “what makes for a good atmosphere at school,” said Andrew Sulfsted, 12.

Soft Cliques

Cliques and exclusivity in high school
Allie Fehr, Staff Writer
November 4, 2020
STUCK WITH STREAMING SERVICES. Amidst the pandemic, many have indulged their entertainment needs with at-home services, such as Netflix, HBO, Hulu, Amazon Prime, and Disney+. Although we all enjoy the comfort of our own home, it just can’t be compared to the sound, quality, and thrill of seeing a movie on the big screen. “Some movies are just made to be watched in a cinema,” said Emilio Garcia, 12. 
Photo sourced from Pexels

See You Next Year

New movies continue to push back their release dates amidst the pandemic
Allie Fehr, Staff Writer
October 9, 2020
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Allie Fehr