Winter’s close calls for colds

Winter’s last hit can still bring the horrible cold and flu, so it is important to have remedies ready. Eating healthy, drinking water, getting more sleep, and washing hands often are just a few to name. You can get more information on the flu in this article: Photo courtesy of MCT Campus.

Winter’s last hit can still bring the horrible cold and flu, so it is important to have remedies ready. Eating healthy, drinking water, getting more sleep, and washing hands often are just a few to name. You can get more information on the flu in this article: Photo courtesy of MCT Campus.

Just as this season was coming to a close mother nature pulls the plug, and frosty weather calls for colds and other germy nightmares. For this end of the season snow, here are some tips to stay healthy.

Children are told to wash their hands often, but this cannot be stressed enough. This prevents germs, picked up from doors, phones, and other surfaces, from riding shotgun on your hands and onto you face.

“Wash your hands a lot, and encourage those around you to wash their hands,” said Nancy Elder, MD, an associate professor and director of research at UC.

Cleaning up at home by wiping up counters and other surfaces can really decrease chances of getting sick. Items that are handled every day can be the crime scene for a cold waiting to happen.

“A recent study looked for the presence of viruses on classroom surfaces and found that the flu virus was found on as many as 50 percent of surfaces,” according to an Everyday Health article.

Drinking water also can help decrease chances for getting the flu and other winter complications. It helps to boost your immune system to beat viruses and bacteria.

During the winter it is important to stay stocked up on everyday health items; such as tissues, Chap Stick, healthy foods, and comfort items as well.

“Chap Stick is a life saver,” said junior Graham Lutes.

Balancing sedentary and active doings is always important, but getting active can help prevent winter illness. Like water, it helps to boost your immune system.

“I play basketball and soccer at the same time, which helps me stay healthy during the winter,” said freshman Kelsey Kandil.

Combined with drinking plenty of water and getting active, eating the right foods can help keep you up and out of bed.

An age old remedy to prevent health problems is sleep, but with more and more distractions this may be hard. Getting more sleep is vital to a good, stable immune system and will help with staying alert and moving.

Winter may be at its close, but spring can also bring a mess of its own problems.  These remedies can also help with spring colds and dreaded allergies.