Community colleges reduce costs

According to a study conducted by Pew Research, a college degree today is worth more than ever before because of a widening earnings gap between college graduates and fellow peers. Even so, nationally, the cost of a college degree is increasingly rising.
Senior Jacqueline Lazar said, “With the cost of college rising so quickly, there has been a lot of talk about whether going to college is even worth it anymore.”
John Kasich, Governor of Ohio, proposed four initiatives in his 2016 Mid-Biennium Review budget aimed at making college more affordable. An important aspect of his plan is utilizing community colleges as a pathway.
The reforms proposed allow students to obtain a college degree from a university while saving up to 80 percent off of the traditional cost of attendance. This is done so by completing as much of the coursework as possible at a community college.
At Ohio’s 23 community colleges, tuition averages around $4,000 a year, a third of the cost of attending a state university. The reform allows students to study for three years at a community college then transfer to a four-year institution.
Junior Anais Cabello said, “The growing cost of college is definitely a problem, and it’s good that people are starting to look for a solution.”
The review also considered allowing community colleges to offer close to ten bachelor’s degree programs across the state.
Proposed changes are planned to be introduced to the state Legislature soon and either adopted or rejected by Jun. 30.
Senior Ted Vlady said, “It will be interesting to observe the trends of students attending colleges within the coming years.”
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