Golf GMCs have interesting turnout
Senior Ryan Wessinger, member of Varsity Gold Golf Team, finishes his drive. He’s practicing to make it perfect for the upcoming GMC event where they plan on being a definite threat.
October 13, 2014
The Boys Varsity Golf Team competed in the Greater Miami Conference (GMC) Tournament on Sept. 17 and 18. The tournament is split up into two days. Each day, a team of six players is sent to compete, combining the scores from both days.
The first day, the team scored a collective score of 341, placing them at sixth out of the 10 attending schools.
“I was feeling pretty down going into the tournament at that point, but I still tried to make the best of the situation,” freshman Victor Lim said.
The following day, the second squad went into the tournament at a disadvantage starting in sxith place, but was able to pull it up to fourth by the end of the day.
“Yeah, we finished in fourth, but I think we did pretty well considering where we started,” Lim said.
The schools that placed above Sycamore were Mason, Lakota East and Fairfield.