TEDx Cincinnati brings together community to spread ideas worth sharing
16 year old Shane DiGiovanna will be featured in this year’s TEDx show. For his presentation he will discuss his belief that space exploration is essential to the survival of humanity. Shane is among the youngest of this year’s presenters.
November 6, 2014
Cincinnati residents are gathering this week to attend this year’s TEDx show. The Main Stage event sparks deep discussion and connection to this year’s theme of “vibrant curiosity.”
TEDx is a program that brings together individuals and organizations from a community to be featured in a Main Stage Event. TEDx allows intellectuals, innovators and doers to share ideas they find worth spreading.
“It’s a really good platform for people to share their ideas with the world,” 16 year old TEDx speaker, Shane DiGiovanna said.
The show will feature speakers on technology, innovation and biotech who will discuss and share with the audience about their ideas.
“I’m talking about space exploration and why it’s necessary for the survival of humanity. I’ve been interested in space for as long as I can remember” DiGiovanna said.
Presenters range from intellectual high school students to successful adults. Performances will include some research, analysis and life journey based presentations. The main idea is to stretch the audiences mind.
TEDx Cincinnati has been highly successful. Both this years and last year’s show sold out. Over 600 people will attend the show at Memorial Hall, Oct. 16 in downtown Cincinnati. This will be the shows third season in Cincinnati.
“I don’t get nervous, one person or 500 it really doesn’t matter” DiGiovanna said.
Speakers featured in the show fall under categories of primary researchers, original artists or authors, primary observers of other peoples data from a unique view, and primary “experiencer” of a once in a lifetime event.
“I really like public speaking so this is a fun and amazing opportunity and its cool [that] I get to present my ideas to the world” DiGiovanna said.
Learn more about TED here.