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  • NO SCHOOL - Feb. 13 - 14 - Professional Learning Day
  • Parent/Teacher Conferences (Virtual) - Feb. 13 @ 3:45 pm
  • NO SCHOOL - Feb. 17 - Presidents Day
  • Fashion for the Cure (FFTC) - Feb. 21
  • Cabaret - Feb. 22 @ 7 pm
  • ACT Exam - Feb. 25
  • Choir/Fine Arts Show - Feb. 25 @ 7 pm
  • Band Concert - Feb. 27 @ 7 pm
  • Art Show Opening Night - Feb. 28 @ 5:30 pm
The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

Meghan DiGiovanna

Meghan DiGiovanna, Staff Writer

  My name is Meghan DiGiovanna and I am a junior, making this my third year on staff. I joined journalism hoping to better my writing and collaboration skills. Over the past three years spent as a staff writer, I have been given the chance to be published, put my voice out into the world, meet new people and build journalism and communications skills. I am also a part of the track and field team for which I train year round with the support of my teammates. In addition, I am involved in Model UN for the first time this year. I am also very involved in the art program and love to paint and illustrate. Over the course of this school year, I hope to further my involvement with journalism and accel in my endeavors.

All content by Meghan DiGiovanna
Tourism tanks

Tourism tanks

How travel ban, unfriendly immigration sentiment has impacted tourism
Ohio is known for its humidity. At Johnson Nature Preserve shade and scenic forests are abundant. Also, a great place to string up a hammock. All photos courtesy of Meghan DiGiovanna

Exploring Ohio’s Outdoors

Meghan DiGiovanna, Staff Writer
December 20, 2016
Often, as homework loads grow heavier I see my peer’s as well as my own enthusiasm weaken. There is a breaking point that comes with such treacherous amounts of 
work, which often does little to benefit students.

Too much homework

Meghan DiGiovanna, Staff Writer
December 5, 2015
At a spring track meet junior Jeremiah Hunter prepares to run a sprinting event. Meets consist of all throwing, jumping, and running events. As well as triple jump, an event not done in the Junior High. Photo courtesy of McDaniel’s Photography.

Winter track

Transition to spring begins
Meghan DiGiovanna, Staff Writer
March 14, 2015
Taking the plunge for EB

Taking the plunge for EB

New Years polar jump raises money for rare skin condition
Paint, dance, sing, act

Paint, dance, sing, act

Students display vast artistic talents
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Meghan DiGiovanna