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  • NO SCHOOL - Feb. 13 - 14 - Professional Learning Day
  • Parent/Teacher Conferences (Virtual) - Feb. 13 @ 3:45 pm
  • NO SCHOOL - Feb. 17 - Presidents Day
  • Fashion for the Cure (FFTC) - Feb. 21
  • Cabaret - Feb. 22 @ 7 pm
  • ACT Exam - Feb. 25
  • Choir/Fine Arts Show - Feb. 25 @ 7 pm
  • Band Concert - Feb. 27 @ 7 pm
  • Art Show Opening Night - Feb. 28 @ 5:30 pm
The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

Meredith Gottliebson

Meredith Gottliebson, Staff Writer

I am a freshman, and this is my first year on staff.  I became a part of the journalism program because I wanted to improve and broaden my writing skills and learn more about journalism.  I think it’s so amazing to be able to have a voice at your school, and The Leaf is a voice for all the students.  Outside of school, I also enjoy running cross country and track and being a part of the French Club.  I love spending time with my family and my dog, too!

All content by Meredith Gottliebson
Track competitions are scored based on a points system earned by place.  Points are earned for the amount of people that passed each runner, and the team with the least points total is the champion.  Some of the team’s top placing events include the 3200 meter, the 4x800 meter relay, high jump, the 4x100 meter relay, and the pole vault.  Photo courtesy of @RunningAves on twitter.

Boys & Girls Track

Meredith Gottliebson, Staff Writer
April 29, 2015
The holiday was celebrated worldwide, although considered controversial in some areas where women are oppressed.  Pictured here is a woman shielding her face while watching the International Women's Day celebration in the Governor's compound in Ghazni City, Afghanistan.  Some women in such countries took it as a special occasion to remove their Burkas, but others chose to uphold their religious traditions despite relaxed restrictions.  Photo courtesy of MCT Photo Campus.

International holiday inspires many

Worldwide feminists speak out
Meredith Gottliebson, Staff Writer
March 14, 2015
Taking the plunge for EB

Taking the plunge for EB

New Years polar jump raises money for rare skin condition
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Meredith Gottliebson