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  • Theatre Fall Show - Oct. 24-26 @ 7 pm
  • Senior Halloween - Oct. 25
  • Improv Show - Nov. 1-2 @ 7 pm
  • OHSAA Winter Parent Mtg - Nov. 6 @ 6:30 pm
  • Board of Education Meeting - Nov. 6 @ 7 pm
  • Orchestra Concert - Nov. 7 @ 7 pm
  • Choir Concert - Nov. 14 @ 7 pm
  • District Craft Show - Nov 16
  • NHS Induction Ceremony - Nov. 19 @ 6:30 pm
  • Board of Education Meeting - Nov. 20 @ 7 pm
  • No School - Professional Learning Day - Nov. 22
  • No School - Thanksgiving Break - Nov. 25-29
The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

The student voice of Sycamore High School in Cincinnati, Ohio

The Leaf

Sarah Horne

Sarah Horne, Creative Projects Director

Hello, welcome to my profile! My name is Sarah Horne and I am a Creative Projects Director. This year marks my senior year at Sycamore High School and my fourth and final year on staff for The Leaf. Last year I was our program’s Broadcast Editor in Chief, and still enjoy creating videos.

When i‘m not working on journalism stories, you can find me competing- whether it be physical or intellectual. I’m a captain of the Lady Aves Water Polo team, and am a member of the Varsity Mock Trial team. Additionally, in my free time I created a blog that I write for called type, and am a leader for a Red Cross International Humanitarian Law program.

While I tend to keep busy, I do enjoy relaxing and watching Shakespeare plays with my family, playing with my dog name Sushi ( yes I named him that when I was five because he is white just like the rice on a California roll), and creating artwork.   

I hope you enjoy reading and watching all our publications here at The Leaf!

All content by Sarah Horne
Moot Court receives final verdict

Moot Court receives final verdict

Sarah Horne, Creative Projects Director
May 12, 2017
AWARE.Awareness against torture.After being award the winning campaign the team was given certificates for their accomplishment. “ I a really glad I got to be a part of this experience and have learn a lot through our Raid Cross training and this project,” said Narayana. The event was run by Paula Mcintosh, International Services Manager who helped the team throughout the competition.

IHL tackles laws of torture

Sarah Horne, Creative Projects Director
April 21, 2017

Climate changes cause chaos

Sarah Horne, Creative Projects Director
April 12, 2017
KEEP DANCING. Eleanor Schmid, 12 dances with her dad while Mr. Eddie Clark plays music. “ It was a lot of fun dancing with my dad at Odd couples, and getting to listen to music that is not often heard now days” said Esther Pittinger, 12. Throughout the evening Clark played songs and live music was performed. Students also came and sang in front of their peer throughout the evening.

SHS dance night away at Odd Couples

Sarah Horne, Creative Projects Director
March 17, 2017
OBJECTION.While the season started off challenging, SHS’s Mock Trial team defied expectations and made it to the state competition. This year’s case was a defamation case based between Pat Justice, the plaintiff, and CAT News, the defendant. Each side used the case evidence to prove their side was correct in the court of law. “It was really amazing to go to state since Sycamore hasn’t done it in so long. It was a completely different experience from anything else I’ve done, and, from working with everyone, I learned the effort that it takes in order to get to state,” said Swati Bhageria, 10.

Top sweet 16

Mock trial team returns from state competition
Sarah Horne, Creative Projects Director
March 14, 2017
Ask a grown teacher: Mr Hochstrasser

Ask a grown teacher: Mr Hochstrasser

Sarah Horne, Creative Projects Director
February 23, 2017
Oprah Winfrey is a recognized leader and self made women in society. she has a national book club and has been nominated for an Oscar after her performance in the film, ‘A Color Purple’. Additionally, she engages in politics and showed support for past president Obama during his campaign

Oprah Winfrey

Sarah Horne, Creative Projects Director
February 20, 2017
Ask a grown teacher: Mr Muehlenkamp

Ask a grown teacher: Mr Muehlenkamp

Sarah Horne, Creative Projects Director
February 14, 2017
On Jan. 20, Donald Trump took the oath of office and was sworn in as the 45 president of the United States.  The ceremony was held at the Capital. All Photos.

Trump transitions into White House

Sarah Horne, Creative Projects Director
January 27, 2017

Pomegranates are able to be grown during Cold climates which makes them rip during the winter season. Primarily they are picked between October and January. They are also filled with Vitamin C, Magnesium, Potassium, and Vitamin K.

Keeping healthy and warm in winter

Sarah Horne, Creative Projects Director
December 20, 2016
Line after line. Hartwig works on her next drawing of a person connected to the land and world. She is planning on putting this piece on a canvas she made in class. This piece will be one of many she submits for her AP portfolio in the spring.

Single stroke opens imagination

Sarah Horne, Creative Projects Director
December 20, 2016

Front-page news

Local, international
Jenna Bao and Sarah Horne
December 13, 2016
Dive in. Campbell takes off into the pool for her portion of her team’s relay race. There are four teammates in a relay and they score based off their combined time. At a swim meet there are four relays per meet: the 200 freestyle, 400 freestyle, 200 medley, and 400 medley.

Swimmers take your mark

Sarah Horne, Creative Projects Director
November 11, 2016

9/11 at SHS

Sarah Horne, Creative Projects Director
October 18, 2016
Volunteering is a way for students to give back in their community and learn to work with others. At sycamore there are many volunteering organizations like Unified for Uganda, and Little dropping. To learn more about volunteer opportunities you can follow National Honor Society’s Twitter account.

Small acts make large difference

Sarah Horne, Creative Projects Director
October 14, 2016
Fashion is all around in society.  Fashion club is a way for students to get involved in the styles that surround them. Another way to get involved in fashion is through the offered elective fashion courses and the annual Fashion For the Cure event.

Walking the red carpet to Fashion Club

Sarah Horne, Creative Projects Director
October 14, 2016
   AP courses are a great way to learn more about a given subject and show deeper understanding. While in class absorb as much information as possible and take quality notes. Most importantly, make sure that when taking AP courses they are ones you have a general interest in and will help you increase your chance to be accepted it your potential college of choice.

AP prepares students for college

Sarah Horne, Creative Projects Director
October 14, 2016
Last year’s Green Team went down to the Hamilton County Courthouse for a competition. There both the Prosecution and Defense team debated over a mock shooting case. The case covered gun laws and police protocol.

All Rise, Mock Trial begins

Sarah Horne, Creative Projects Director
September 13, 2016
By staying involved in the summer, students can add unique experiences to their college applications. Internships or Job Opportunities be either part time or full time, so that students can shape their summer based on how much they would like to work. For more information about internships, Talk to Mr. Corattiyil for more information on internships around Cincinnati. Photo courtesy of MCT Campus.

Students get ahead in summer

Sarah Horne, Broadcast Editor in Chief
May 5, 2016
   Another resource available to students studying for AP test are test prep apps. They are not meant to be the main source of review, but another supplement while studying. Some apps can be bought in bundles, or singularly. Photo courtesy of Sarah Horne.

Advance planning for advance placement test

Sarah Horne, Broadcast Editor in Chief
April 30, 2016
For further questions about taking dual credit through UC, students should go to the Secondary Planning Center or talk to their counselor. Students can take multiple Courses through UC a semester, but must consult their counselor about scheduling first. There is also the option of either in class courses, or online options. Photo courtesy of MCT Campus

Mixing high school, college

Sarah Horne, Broadcast Editor in Chief
April 21, 2016
   Eating healthy is an easy way to increase brain power, and strengthen academics. The right foods can lead to an increase in processing and focus. Additionally, by putting positive nutrients into one’s body, they can increase energy in order to conquer more tasks. Photo courtesy of MCT Photo.

Powering through fourth quarter

Sarah Horne, Broadcast Editor in Chief
April 11, 2016
   In addition to air pollution, global warming is impacting the melting of glaciers. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, EPA, without further action to protect the world's glaciers they will continue melting, and the melting process will continue to speed up. This is due to glacier rock being exposed, which is able to attribute to heating and melting the ice. Photo courtesy of MCT Campus.

Risk of doing nothing

Sarah Horne, Broadcast Editor in Chief
March 18, 2016
   On Sat., March 12, there will be three caucuses. Two will be Republican, held in Guam and the District of Columbia. The other will be for the Democrats and will be held in Northern Marianas. Photo courtesy of MCT Campus.

Six left standing: Electoral race update

Sarah Horne, Broadcast Editor in Chief
March 8, 2016
Psychology of Sleep

Psychology of Sleep

Sarah Horne, Broadcast Editor in Chief
March 4, 2016
In order to allow children to grow up with more realistic dolls, Mattel Inc is giving different dolls different body sizes. This helps to reduce the image that there is only one “perfect” look. By seeing healthy body images, children will be in a healthier growing environment.

Barbie gets new look

Sarah Horne, Broadcast Editor-in-Chief
March 3, 2016
   Clinton and Trump currently hold the top runner positions in the election for presidency based off of the recent primary and caucus. Clinton is a professional politician, while Trump is a well known businessman. Photo credits of MCT Campus.

Electoral race continues

Sarah Horne, Broadcast Editor in Chief
February 29, 2016
Clothes around America

Clothes around America

Sarah Horne, Broadcast Editor in Chief
February 22, 2016
   Clinton and Trump currently hold the top runner positions in the election for presidency based off of the recent primary and caucus. Clinton is a professional politician, while Trump is a well known businessman. Photo credits of MCT Campus.

What polls really represent

Sarah Horne, Broadcast Editor in Chief
February 21, 2016
Both the ACT and SAT have made their essays optional. However, certain colleges require the essay portion of one of the exams. The ACT is out of 36 points whereas the SAT is scored out of 2,400.

Choosing ACT or SAT

Sarah Horne, Broadcast Editor-in-Chief
February 15, 2016
Q & A with Emma Traylor

Q & A with Emma Traylor

Sarah Horne, Broadcast Editor in Chief
February 3, 2016
50 to 75 percent of people stick to their New Year’s resolutions for at least the first week. Additionally, 45 percent of people usually make resolutions for the new year.

New year brings about new you

Sarah Horne, Broadcast Editor-in-Chief
January 19, 2016
Senior Benjamin Young and Sophomore Riley Kurtz listen to the latest hits. The average American listens to four hours of music a day. Due to this, listening, sharing, and enjoying is a big part of American culture.

Top of the Chart for 2015

Sarah Horne, Broadcast Editor-in-Chief
January 5, 2016
The overall purpose of the Alumni Wall

The overall purpose of the Alumni Wall

Sarah Horne, Broadcast Editor in Chief
December 20, 2015
Studying Fun Fact: Studying a little everyday can allow information to be learned easier and remain in a student’s memory longer. Instead of spending three hours studying before a big test, try spending 30 to 35 minutes studying each night a week in advance. This will make the information seem more manageable and easier to learn.  
Photo design by Sarah Horne

Secrets to Success

Sarah Horne, Broadcast Editor in Chief
December 10, 2015
Standing up to stress

Standing up to stress

Sarah Horne, Broadcast Editor in Chief
December 9, 2015
Bacon bites back

Bacon bites back

Sarah Horne, Broadcast Editor in Chief
December 5, 2015
Key to unlocking happiness

Key to unlocking happiness

Sarah Horne, Broadcast Editor in Chief
November 24, 2015
Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention

Sarah Horne, Broadcast Editor-In-Chief
November 12, 2015
Variety show auditions

Variety show auditions

Sarah Horne, Broadcast Editor in Chief
September 21, 2015
   Wessinger looks to make a pass down the pool to assist a shot. Game scores from past games are posted on twitter and it is open to anyone. Click here in order to see the girl’s water polo team’s page. Photo courtesy of sarah Horne

Q&A with senior Sarah Wessinger

Sarah Horne, Broadcast Editor in Chief
September 15, 2015
The team huddles up and prepares themselves for the second quarter. One girl is chosen to lead the cheer each break. This motivates the team and keeps them excited and focused.

Focused and Fast in the Fall

Sarah Horne, Broadcast Editor in Chief
June 3, 2015
Benson, Bruns, McElroy, Michaels,and Quantz all represented Johanna Gordon’s seventh bell class in Sophomore Debates. For the finals they performed their debate in front of their sophomore class during fifth period. When the debate came to a close, they became the final winners of  the ‘All Stars’. Photo Courtesy of Erin McElroy.

Last fIve standing in debates

Sarah Horne, Broadcast Editor in Chief
May 31, 2015
Competition: On

Competition: On

Sophomore debate teams begin their preparation
Sarah Horne, Broadcast Editor In Chief
May 12, 2015
Future improvements around school

Future improvements around school

Sarah Horne, Broadcast Editor in Chief
May 6, 2015
Operation Give Back

Operation Give Back

Students volunteer to impact their community
Sarah Horne, Broadcast Editor in Chief
May 1, 2015
   Social media has changed the way people interact and communicate. The cyber world lets people interact even if they are in different places or countries. It globally connects people and makes them feel closer.

What kind of social media are you?

Sarah Horne, WAVES Producer, Director
April 23, 2015
  Reading is a great way to escape into a new and creative world. It can show you different perspectives, can be entertaining and a great way to relax. The more you read the less it feels like a chore and can help you to comprehend information faster.

What to read next

Sarah Horne, Associate Broadcast Editor
April 23, 2015
After competing at districts over the weekend the Mock Trial season comes to a close. The team had been working on their clase since September and were coached by volunteer attorneys. They worked on their case that simulated a courtroom and learned about the judiciary system.

Q&A with sophomore Ayanna Boben and Sara Lu

Sarah Horne, Associate Broadcast Editor
April 23, 2015
Here, Bahr is seen swimming backstroke in a meet. Bahr has developed backstroke as her number one stroke over the years and continues to improve on this stroke every chance she gets. During practice Bahr works on kicking to strengthen her legs and makes sure her form is right so that she can perform her best at competitions

Q&A with freshman Sydney Bahr

Sarah Horne, Associate Broadcast Editor
April 23, 2015
Zoning out or falling asleep in class can result in a lot of stress. Other options to staying awake are listening to upbeat music and getting plenty of fresh air. By doing these small things it can improve focus in the classroom.

Quick tips for staying awake in class

Sarah Horne, Associate Broadcast Editor
April 23, 2015
For more information on when you will be taking each test check your student email account.  The PARCC test will be distributed to all freshmen. Also any students in Algebra 1, Scientific Investigations, Government, and American History will take PARCC.

Test taking time

Sarah Horne, Associate Broadcast Editor
April 23, 2015
“In the future I would like to dance in college but I do not plan on dancing professionally.” Busch is shown practicing an Arabesque. An Arabesque is a move she learned while taking ballet.

Q&A with sophomore Maggie Busch

Sarah Horne, Associate Broadcast Editor
April 23, 2015
 ‘The Selection’, is a book for readers who enjoy action and romance novels.  It is also a series with many different parts and characters. Different Novellas are narrated by different characters giving readers multiple points of views.

Selecting ‘The Selection’

Sarah Horne, Associate Broadcast Editor
April 23, 2015
   Kast signals for a pass down the pool in their game against Milford. During conditioning the team will be able to scrimmage each other and work on teamwork skills.This will help them improve for the future games to come.

Practicing on and off season

Sarah Horne, Associate Broadcast Editor
April 23, 2015
While on the Europe trip students traveled extensively and saw many different places while experiencing a new culture. They had been learning all about Europe in class and the trip gave them the opportunity to experience it first hand. Their travel gave them a new experience and knowledge about what they had been learning.

Q&A with sophomore Danielle Pratt

Sarah Horne, Associate Broadcast Editor
April 6, 2015
When packing for an international trip plastic bags can help prevent any spills in a suitcase and keep items separate. Also they can be used to separate dirty cloths from the clean ones. Plastic bags allow people to keep everything organized so they can be sure they have everything necessary or the trip.

Q&A with sophomore Sara Lu

Sarah Horne, Associate Broadcast Editor
March 24, 2015
Paint, dance, sing, act

Paint, dance, sing, act

Students display vast artistic talents
When visiting family, Fanning went to the beach with her parents and brothers. It was an incredible experience to be able to spend time with them since they live so far away. One of her brothers lives in Chicago and the other in Los Angeles.

Giving thanks in Palm Springs

Sarah Horne, staff writer
December 5, 2014
Currently, band is preparing for the craft show. This means they have to learn all new music since they will play for one hour that day. They will perform at the craft show on Nov. 22.

Q&A with sophomore Tasia Meaders

Sarah Horne, Staff Writer
November 7, 2014
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