Cross country supports the next generation
The girls from the Symmes branch doing a cheer after they completed the practice 5k. For many this was their first serious running experience. “It was fun learning their names and cheering,” Martinson said. Photo courtesy of: Meredith Gottliebson
November 7, 2014
Girls Cross Country cheered on young runners at Maple Dale and Symmes during the Girls on the Run practice 5ks on Mon. Oct. 27 and Tues. Oct. 28. The girls also helped at water stations, taking pictures, and counting laps.
“It was fun getting the opportunity to see the fourth graders do what we do in a race,” freshman Lily Martinson said.
Girls on the Run is an organization that guides third and fourth grade girls into running their first 5k race, and teaches them life lessons along the way. This includes how to deal with drugs, alcohol, relationships and growing up.
The girls gain life skills, bonds and a great foundation for running. This program introduces them to distance running and an active lifestyle slowly, aiming to give them a positive relationship with physical activity.
The cross country girls came to cheer in order to inspire the younger girls to continue running and to provide moral support. The cheering helped motivate them to finish what, for some, was their very first 5k.
“It really helped the girls’ motivation when we cheered for them.” Martinson said.
Visit the Girls on the Run website for more information.