Five tips for having fun while studying

Using different colors when taking notes can help you organize the information easier. You could make important vocab one color and people’s names another so the information stands out. Also, by using different colors you can enjoy being creative with the color schemes you choose to use for an assignment.
February 3, 2015
- Reward Yourself: Give yourself a reason to finish that project, whether it is letting yourself eat a piece of candy after each problem or taking a social media break after all your notes are done. Having a reward in place will motivate you and there will be a less likely chance of daydreaming.
- Move around: Sometimes all it takes is getting active. When you feel yourself start to loose focus, turn up the music and have a 10-15 minute dance party. It might feel silly, but doing something fun will help you to be more refreshed and ready to tackle all your assignments.
- Be creative: Find some different colored pens and color code your notes or draw a picture of what you are reading. Letting yourself be creative can be relaxing and can improve learning for people who are visual learners. Click here for more information.
- Read out loud: From reading chapters in Lord of the Flies to your calculus homework, reading the information out loud can make it more entertaining. Reading the information in crazy accents or even singing it can also make you focus on the words on the page more so you absorb more of the content.
- Celebrate the little things: Instead of getting wrapped up in the pile of work you have to get done, celebrate each problem completed and use that positive energy to motivate you to get the next done. Staying positive while working will make you more focused on the actual work instead of stress.
Q&A with sophmore Emily Hartwig
What do you do to make studying and homework more fun?
“When looking over notes I like to listen to music so it is more enjoyable.”
What do you do to stay on task when completing homework?
“I normally write all my homework on my hand so I know what I have to do when I get home. Then I take a break after school and start all my homework around four. This make it so I am able to stay focused for a few hours until I finish it all.”
Do you use color coding or highlighting for any homework assignments?
“I use highlighting for my AP Euro notes so that important information can stand out on the page.”