Eight fast facts about your mind when you are asleep

Just like people all animals also dream. Their dreams like people relate to things from their life. This is why you will see animals moving during their sleep.
April 23, 2015
All the performers are real. It might seem that a person that is in a dream is just some made up character but all people in dreams have been seen by the dreamer at some point in their life. It is just impossible for a human to remember every face they have ever seen.
Setting the stage. Dreams can be in either black and white or color depending on the dreamer. Most people dream in color which is thought to be because of the amount of color T.V.people watch.
Like every story it is symbolic. All dreams have some sort of meaning or memory behind them no matter how large or small. Even if the dream seems completely crazy when the individual wakes up there was a reason for the dream.
The conflict of the dream. The most common problem in a dream is anxiety. It is more common for there to be a negative feeling associated with dreams than a good one which is why people often have nightmares.
Running time. Most people dream for about one to two hours each night and will spend on average six years of their life dreaming. It is common to have four to seven dreams per night.
Age rating. The dreamer will not star in their dreams until they reach ages three to four.
Dreaming is open to all. People who were born blind still dream, but instead of seeing images they use their other senses to dream.
To learn more about dreams and these facts check Emlii.