Model UN takes home awards
The club consists of many seniors who attended their last University of Dayton conference on Nov. 14. The club will undergo many changes after the seniors graduate, but there is a high number of juniors in the club. Mrs. Beth LeBlanc and Mr. Thomas Bonenfant co-advise the club this year, but next year Bonenfant will be the sole advisor. Photo courtesy of Beth LeBlanc
December 1, 2014
After attending the Model United Nations (MUN) conference at the University of Dayton, the MUN Club returned home with six awards.
Hundreds of students from schools in Ohio and throughout the Midwest were at this conference.
“A lot of schools that came have Model UN as an actual class, so it’s impressive that SHS MUN got this many awards since we’re just a club,” said senior Nakul Narendran.
The students left for the conference at 7:30 a.m. and returned back to Cincinnati at 5 p.m.
“It was a long day, but it was still fun and I am a little sad it’s my last conference at University of Dayton. However, now we have the conference in Chicago to look forward to,” said senior Talia Bailes.
28 of the club members will attend Model United Nations at the University of Chicago (MUNUC) for four days in February.
“Last year’s MUNUC was one of the highlights of the year so I’m excited to go again,” said Narendran.
For more information on MUNUC, click here.