What kind of social media are you?

image courtesty of Sarah Horne
Social media has changed the way people interact and communicate. The cyber world lets people interact even if they are in different places or countries. It globally connects people and makes them feel closer.
April 23, 2015
Do you communicate through pictures or writing?
- Pictures, they tell the story for you.
- Writing, but it is nice, quick, and straight to the point.
- Writing unless I have a lot of pictures that tell the story all together.
- Pictures, but I like to add a caption to spice things up.
How often are you online?
- All the time.
- A couple times a day to get quick information.
- A few times a week
- Daily, just to keep in the loop.
How perfect does your post have to look before it goes online? (on a scale of 1-4)
- Perfect? nope, just has to be quick and easy.
- It has to look polished but is more about the big idea.
- It has to look nice but also can be a little crazy from time to time.
- Has to look nice and represent a perfect world.
When you use social media how many people do you want to reach?
- Only a few for one conversation but I have multiple conversations going on.
- Anyone and everyone.
- All my friends to let them in on the what is happening in my life.
- All of my followers
If you choose mostly ones you got Snapchat.
Snapchat is a quick and easy way to share photos with a friends and have a visual conversation. You can also add video and photos to your “story” which all your friends can see.
To learn more about Snapchat click here.
If you choose mostly twos you got Twitter.
Twitter is used to send out fast messages to people easily. It is a great way to send out generic information about an event and get word out fast. people can “retweet” your “tweets” making it so the information can reach many people fast. To learn more about Twitter click here.
If you choose mostly threes you got Facebook.
Facebook is a great way to stay in touch with friends. It also has a lot of variety from being able to post messages and pictures easily and instantly. To learn more about facebook click here.
If you chose mostly fours you got Instagram.
Instagram is a great way to post pictures and share them with others. It lets you add a quick comment about the picture and lets you receive comments and “likes” on your picture. To learn more about Instagram click here.