Unique photographer captures Cincinnati
All the models used in the project are volunteers that responded to an ad on Craigslist. They have been trained on how to set up the shoots discretely in just 10-12 seconds, and avoid police conflict. They also make sure there are no minors in the area during the shoot. Photo courtesy of MCT Photo Campus.
April 13, 2015
Harvey Droulliard photographs people in front of famous monuments and recognizable places. However, there is a twist. Just before he snaps a photo, the model quickly sheds all clothing, then redresses before anyone’s the wiser.
“It’s not meant to be vulgar, it’s not meant to be obscene or pornographic. It’s really meant to be about the art,” one of his models Georgina Opoku said to WCPO news.
Droulliard is documenting his “Mission Skinpossible” in a book featuring cities across the country, and will be stopping by Cincinnati starting on Mon. April 6, opening day for the Reds and staying through April 13.
“Oddly enough, the more people that are out, the more guarded we are…it’s a little bit insulated when there are bigger crowds,” Drouillard said to WCPO.
He plans on shooting photos near the Great American Ball Park that day, and will be staying and shooting at locations like City Hall, the Cincinnati Art Museum, Fountain Square, and the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center until April 13.
“Once I found out all the history — like the Underground Railroad, as soon as you crossed the Ohio River you were free — the whole city is about freedom and expression,” Droulliard said to WCPO.
To see Droillard’s website, visit http://www.harveyphotos.co/.