Focused and Fast in the Fall

Sarah Horne, Broadcast Editor in Chief

  • Senior Hannah Schwegmann looks for a pass down the pool. As her defender swims up to attack, she throws the ball into hole set. She does this by treading up and getting high out of the water to make a dry pass.

  • Coach Nick Hellwig communicates to his players from the side line. By being out of the pool, he is able to have a better view and can navigate players in the water. This helps the team know what is happening at all times throughout the game, making them better players.

  • Junior Hannah May throws the ball down the pool before the 30 second stop clock ends. Not only must players pay attention to the action going on in the water, by also to the stop clock during games. They do this by constantly looking over their shoulder and communicating with each other while playing.

  • The team huddles up and prepares themselves for the second quarter. One girl is chosen to lead the cheer each break. This motivates the team and keeps them excited and focused.

  • After they break away from the huddle, they go to the wall for the swim off. Senior Hannah Kast prepares to swim down and compete for the ball. When the whistle goes off, she and her opponent will compete in a swim off for the offense position.

  • After Kast wins the swim off her teammates are seen cheering on the side lines. The team sets up for offense and works the ball around in order to score. They work to get open water so that they can keep the ball moving and they can create an opening in the goal.

  • Junior Emma Bovard is seen throwing the ball to the opposite flat position. By doing this she works to move the goalie and create a shooting opportunity for the team. The team works together to set up good assists so their shoots will be more likely to go into goal.

  • Senior Lauren Shassere is seen preparing for a shoot. She swings her legs under her underwater in order to build up energy. By doing this she creates enough force to send the ball into goal.

  • Senior Jory Gould works to defend hole set while on defense. By keeping both hands up she shows the referee she is playing fair and still applying pressure to the opposing team. She makes it difficult for the other team to build up power and get high out of the water, causing their hole set to be shut down.

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