Wang is in the process of putting the ball into the hole.
Despite her injury Marisa Vilardo, 11 practices her putting on the putting green.
From left to right Kelly White, 9; Vilardo; Elizabeth Rickert, 10; Chloe Bradley, 9; all walk to their starting whole in the match versus Fairfield.
Vilardo takes a practice swing.
On hole five White takes her back swing.
“Playing high school golf is much more intense and you make more friends plus it’s more competitive. Also, it’s people who actually know how to play.” said Alexandra Meckes, 9
On hole seven is Orchid Wang, 9. She has just finished a putt.
Chipping the ball is Bradley. She is attempting to get it on the green.
Bradley succeeded in getting the ball on the green and is now putting while her partner for the day, Rickert, is watching.
Hole seven, in which Bradley is on, is a par three.
White is chipping the ball in an attempt to get it on.
Putting the ball is White. The ball next to hers is an opponents. The girls are playing Fairfield today.
Vilardo injured her back early on in the season. “It was really upsetting at first that I wasn’t able to play but having the support of my team and being able to mentor is really fun,” said Vilardo
Chipping the ball on to the green is Meckes.
Wang is in the process of putting the ball into the hole.
Despite her injury Marisa Vilardo, 11 practices her putting on the putting green.