Master minds behind it all

Last year’s pep rally, which was all organized by the Student Council was well received by everyone. Everybody can be seen rejoicing the spirit of SHS, getting energized and excited. The Ave Cave was getting rowdy  for the night’s game.

Photo courtesy: McDaniel’s Photography

Last year’s pep rally, which was all organized by the Student Council was well received by everyone. Everybody can be seen rejoicing the spirit of SHS, getting energized and excited. The Ave Cave was getting rowdy for the night’s game.

Alex Karev, Staff Writer

The Student Council will be busy with the events that they are hosting. With Homecoming nearing this October, the Student Council will be occupied trying to arrange all of the activities for the weekend.

Although the Student Council provides fun events all through the year, it can be difficult to try to plan out all of them, especially for newcomers to the organization.

Freshman Sushobith Vadrevu, said, “We have to split up into committees and do different genres or sections of homecoming and other events, which can be difficult at times because you have to work with people you don’t always like.”

Although working with other people, especially upperclassmen for freshman, it can seem scary and not very enjoyable. But just like all myths about upperclassmen, they are not as terrifying as they are perceived and are quite kind.

Vadrevu said, “In the end though, Student Council is really fun because you get to meet so many new people, and it helps build your leadership skills.”

When it is all said and done, Student Council helps plan and organize roughly 20 events in the year. With all of these events happening, the council needs money to make them possible.

“In order to raise money for all of the events that we do, we do fundraisers for prom and other events during the school year, like car washes or going to local restaurants,” said Vadrevu.

The Student Council is extremely important in helping plan and organize events, which gives us the enjoyment of going to them as students of SHS.

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30-30-30 Alex Karev