Last fIve standing in debates
May 31, 2015
Q:What have you learned from sophomore debates?
A: Caroline Bruns and Erin McElroy: “I have learned a lot about public speaking since it used to be really hard for me and I use to get really nervous when presenting. Now I am no longer nervous when talking in front of others.”
A: Andrew Quantz: “I have learned a lot about the difference between being assertive and being rude through these debates.”
Q:What is your favorite part of a debate?
A: Quantz: “The cross examination would be my favorite part since I love tearing apart an argument.”
Q:What has been your favorite moment from the debates so far?
A: Addie Michaels: “My favorite moment during a debate is when my team comes together and proves a great point that is unable to be refuted by the opposing side.”
Q:What advice do you have for future sophomores about debates?
A: Bruns: “For future sophomores I recommend they be confident in their abilities and always ‘fake it until you make it’.”