Selfie sticks cause commotion worldwide

The girls cross country team took many selfies on their camping trip. After workouts and swimming they took these pictures to commemorate the trip. Selfies are very popular today.

Caroline Bruns

The girls cross country team took many selfies on their camping trip. After workouts and swimming they took these pictures to commemorate the trip. Selfies are very popular today.

The selfie stick: notorious for helping people wide and far take better pictures. The sticks are very common and booming on the market right now.

Sophomore Jessica Fehr said, “I think selfie sticks are really cool! They make me really happy to see everyone so happy when they gather in for a group selfie.”

Although these sticks are popular, they have gotten positive and negative feedback from customers.There are many pros and cons to selfie sticks, but this fad has begun to anger individuals.

Many places worldwide have started banning the use of selfie sticks due to the fact that people are more likely to “selfie” with them and that they are distracting and inconvenient to others.

One place in particular is South Korea. They are banning them because of the fact that some selfie sticks are made with wireless bluetooth that can possibly be breaking the ‘Wireless Telegraphy Act.’ Anyone in South Korea who is found selling selfie sticks will be jailed and fined a total of 30,000 won.

Another group of places that these sticks have been banned from are many museums in the New York area. The MoMA is one of the first in NYC to officially ban the stick, although it is technically always been restricted.

A representative from the museum stated to the public, “It has long been a policy that visitors may only use handheld devices to take photos, without any camera extension devices. We have simply added selfie-sticks to this policy, which is in place to ensure the safety of our visitors and the Museum’s works of art.”

The reason for restricting these devices are not only because cameras and photography are not permitted, but also the fact that accidents do happen. These metal rods may hit something or cause a disturbance to the displays.

Although not all museums have banned the selfie stick, others are beginning to highly consider it. Sadly, museums are not the only places to have banned the selfie stick.

In the sports world, selfie sticks are being banned at all Premier League football (soccer) games. They have been banned from all stadiums due to the fact that they could be used as a weapon and also that they are dangerous to use among the crowds of fans.

They have also recently been banned in Disney parks and many museums in the United States.

An arsenal spokesman told the New Journal, “We can confirm that ‘selfie sticks’ are banned on matchdays at Emirates Stadium. The club’s ground regulations prohibit any object that could be used as a weapon or could compromise public safety.”